Hartville Feed Poultry Products

Quality & Service

Whether you are raising a handful of birds for fresh eggs, or feeding thousands of birds for profit, the importance of Quality, Service, and Knowledge are the same. At Hartville Feed we pride ourselves in incorporating quality, service, and knowledge into each poultry product.


Hartville Feed has one of the most extensive quality control programs in Southwest Missouri. Every load of incoming ingredients is inspected to ensure that it meets our stringent quality control standards. Every load of corn and every load of Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is chemically tested for aflatoxin to ensure that your feed is of the highest quality.


Whether you are feeding a handful of birds or thousands of birds, farm visits can be scheduled to ensure that you are getting optimal health and performance. During these farm visits we check pullet development, examine environmental conditions, look at egg quality, and review egg production. For commercial growers, custom rations are developed by our staff nutritionist.


Hartville Feed feeds well over a million chickens each year. In short, we know chickens and the nutrition necessary to get the most out of them.


You need to know


  • Be ready BEFORE chicks arrive
  • Facilities should be clean, dry, and free from drafts, with at least 2 inches of suitable litter on the floor
  • Be sure the heat source (brooder, heat lamps, etc.) is working. Heat lamps should be about 20 inches above chicks, and raised weekly as the birds grow.
  • Be sure chicks are drinking water BEFORE feed is provided. Use electrolytes in the water for the first week.
    NEVER allow chicks to run out of water!
  • Keep waterers clean.
  • Chicks should have feed at all times. The first 2 or 3 days some feed may be placed in paper plates or in box lids in addition to the feeders.
  • If “pasting up” is a problem, top-dress the feed with a small amount of oatmeal.


Chicks: Keep the temperature at 90-95° F the first few days. Gradually reduce the temperature about 5° F each week until 70° F is reached. Take the temperature at chick height.

Layers: Layers can tolerate a rather wide range of temperatures without affecting egg production. Laying house temperatures below 55-60 ° F increase the amount of feed required to produce a dozen eggs.


Chicks: Start pullets on 2 days of continuous light (10 watt incandescent bulb per 200 square feet of floor space). From 3 to 21 days, gradually reduce day length to 15-16 hours. From 3 to 18 weeks, maintain a constant day length of 10-12 hours or that dictated by natural day length.

Layers: Artificial light will help maintain egg production during the fall and winter. The use of artificial lights may begin when the pullets are placed in the laying house. Increase the amount of light 30 minutes per week to 15-16 hours per day.

Space Requirements


Chicks: Allow one square foot of brooder space per chick through 8 weeks of age, and 2 square feet from 8 through 18 weeks of age.

Layers: Allow 3 to 4 square feet per bird.


Chicks: Provide one inch of feeder space per chick through week 2; two inches per chick from 3 to 7 weeks, three inches per chick from 8 to 18 weeks of age. A 20 lb hanging feeder should be adequate for 50 chicks. Adjust height of feeders so that all the birds can eat easily without wasting feed. The lip of the trough should be even with the bird’s back.

Layers: Provide 4 inches of feeder space per bird. For larger hanging feeders (40-45lbs), allow 6 feeders per 100 birds. Adjust feeder height as needed.


Chicks (per 100 chicks): Provide 20 inches of trough space or two 1-gallon fountains from day 1 to 2 weeks of age. Provide 36 inches of trough space or three 1-gallon fountains for weeks 3 through 12. Always provide plenty of clean, fresh water, especially when starting baby chicks.

Layers: Provide one 8-gallon gravity flow waterer or 8 linear feet of trough-type waterer for 100 layers from 12 weeks to production. No bird should be more than 15 feet from a waterer.


Chicks: Floors should be covered with at least 2 inches of suitable litter. Ground cobs, shavings, peat moss, chopped straw, and commercial litter are common. Litter should be clean, dry, free of dust, absorbent, and free of injurious material. Stir litter frequently and remove damp and/or caked litter. Add fresh litter as needed.

Layers: Provide at least 4 inches of suitable litter at housing.

Available from Hartville Feed

Pullet Feeds

The following feeding program will help get your pullets off to a great start.

  • Medicated with Amprolium to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis
  • Guaranteed levels of lysine and methionine; essential amino acids for growth, reproduction, and healthy skin and feathers
  • High energy corn diets to promote growth
  • Provides organic selenium to help maintain a healthy immune system and cellular health
  • Added vitamins and trace minerals to ensure a balanced diet
  • Contains specific vitamin D, source for strong bones and livability

Layer Feeds


Extra Egg is a super premium, high energy, all natural pelleted feed for laying hens. It is a corn and soybean meal based high energy, calcium fortified diet designed specifically for layers.


Layer Mash is a premium, high energy, all natural ground feed for laying hens. It is a corn and soybean meal based high energy, calcium fortified diet designed specifically for layers.


Egg Maker Pellets is an economical, low energy pelleted feed for laying hens.

Chick Start Chick Grow Chick Develop
Age in weeks 0-6 wks 7-12 wks 13-18 wks
Energy Kcal / lb 1,360 1,385 1,415
Feed Consumption
2.0 lb/bird 4.5 lb/bird 5.5 lb/bird
Crude Protein, min 20.00% 18.00% 16.00%
Crude Fat, min 3.00% 3.00% 3.50%
Crude Fiber, max 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%


Layer Mash Extra Egg Pellets Egg Maker Pellets
Energy Kcal / lb 1,290 1,260 1,100
Feed Consumption
0.25 lb/bird/day 0.27 lb/bird/day 0.29 lb/bird/day
Crude Protein, min 16.00% 16.00% 16.00%
Crude Fat, min 3.00% 3.00% 2.50%
Crude Fiber, max 4.00% 4.00% 7.00%